All the services of our 4-star hotel in Senigallia
An all-inclusive vacation
Learn about all the services that await you at the Grand Hotel Excelsior
A beach vacation needs special services, designed and dedicated to your family, to be fully enjoyed. At the Grand Hotel Excelsior, you can enjoy an all inclusive basis, with many services included such as Wi-Fi and entertainment for your children. Our services will make your vacation unforgettable.
- Swimming pool with sunbathing area and comfortable sunbeds
- Beach and sailing school we have an agreement with
- Entertainment with Kids Club
- Children's playroom
- Unlimited Wi-Fi
- Restaurant with table service
- Convenient private garage (limited spaces available for a fee)
- Bike and
rickshaw rental
- Terrace by the sea to enjoy breakfast with panoramic views
- Pets are welcome: when you arrive, you'll also get a welcome kit for your pet
- Bar open 24 hours a day
- Small dining room for children
- Fitness area eco-friendly
- Beauty and image consultation with DEA
- Excelsior Wellness Card: check out all the benefits of the partnership with Conero Wellness PT HUB in Senigallia HERE